Pruning the oldest issues - January 2022
We started by reviewing the notes from the last session and immediately followed up on the one needed action.
- Recommend responding to issues and pull requests in a timely manner #221 - nothing new added, closed.
- Add nuance on where non-English is acceptable #223 stays open, work session planned for January 17.
- ‘Bundle policy and source code’ can be interpreted very wide #224 - stays open, a pilot is planned.
- Missing: the why for each requirement (user stories and success criteria) #229 - closed, superseded by #560.
- Different headings? #230 - closed, superseded by #560.
- Potential new requirement: clean coding #231 - this has been covered by now, closed.
- Make this more concise #232 - closed, superseded by #415.
- Require a roadmap #233 - already fixed, closed.
- Require an explanation of the codebase governance structure #234 - already fixed, closed.
- How does public code fit with existing EU laws? #235 - stays open, a pilot is planned.
- Require machine readable API specifications #237 - comment added, check next time.